On Sunday 16th May at 10am we celebrated the Holy Sacrifice of Mass in thanksgiving for the gift of the beatification of Fr Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan, founder of the Salvatorians.
This significant event coincides with the 140th anniversary (1881) of the foundation of the Society of the Divine Saviour (Salvatorians), the 60th anniversary (1961) of the arrival of the Salvatorian Fathers in WA, and the 20th anniversary (2001) since the Polish Salvatorians began their ministry here in Ocean Reef Parish.
The main celebrant was the very Reverend, Fr. George Kolodziej SDS, Regional Superior assisted by Fr. Francis Kot, our Parish Priest, Fr. Mariusz Adamczyk, his assistant, Fr. Irek Cyek from Alphington parish in Melbourne and Fr Paul Tran from Gosford Parish in NSW.
Fr Francis welcomed our surrounding Schools representatives, Mr Chris Dunning, Principal of Francis Jordan Catholic School in Currambine, his Deputy Mr Damien Purcell and all staff and many students and families who were in attendance and taking part in the Liturgy. He also welcomed the two Assistant Principals from St Simon Peter Catholic Primary School, Ms Fiona Green and Ms Clodagh Manifold and Mrs Margaret Travelli representing Prendiville College.
They were all presented with a special candle in remembrance of Blessed Francis Jordan.
Also present were Confirmation candidates and their families attending for their Rite of Election.