Altar Society

The Altar Society is a group of parishioners volunteering their time to look after the sanctuary in the church and items in the sacristy. 
Three parishioners are rostered at any one time for one month by the coordinator.

Altar Society duties

  • Dressing the altar with a cloth appropriate to the liturgical season.
  • Maintaining clean linen on the credence table.
  • Washing altar cloths and linens used at mass.
  • Polishing brass holders and refilling oil in the altar candles.
  • Polishing the Tabernacle and cleaning Baptismal font.
  • Cleaning and refilling Holy Water fonts at entry points into the church.
  • Laundering the priest’s vestments as required.
  • Polishing sacred vessels. eg Chalice, Monstrance etc.

If you are interested in assisting this Society please contact the Parish Office.