On Friday 17th of February, Naiara one of our young adults in our Parish was awarded the B.J Hickey Scholarship from the Centre for Faith Enrichment by Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey, Vicar for Adult Faith Formation and Education, Fr Vincent Glynn and the Biblical Foundation Committee, to do biblical studies at Acts 2 College of Mission and Evangelisation.
This year, Naiara is studying a Diploma of Catholic Youth Ministry which provides participants with a range of knowledge and skills both to grow in their personal faith journey and to share their faith with others in both formal and informal youth ministry settings. They will broaden their knowledge and its application in catechesis; in prayer and worship; in spiritual development; in pastoral care of self and others; youth ministry legalities, programs, and resources; and communication skills, preparing them to participate in youth ministry and leadership within the Catholic Church.
While studying this Diploma, Naiara is also interning for 24:7 Youth Ministry. She along with Kristian, are our Parish 24:7 Youth Ministers who run our Parish’s very own youth group as well as helping run school retreats in Catholic schools all around Perth.