Here in Ocean Reef, our Youth Group operates every second, fourth & fifth Sunday of the month.

It is facilitated by qualified and experienced Youth Ministers from the 24:7 Youth Ministry Alliance which is an outreach of the Perth Branch of the Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community.
Their Vision is to reach and equip young people to live for God, full on, full time, all the time!
Their Mission Statement is to aim to achieve this through:- Operating regular teenage youth groups, being a witness of hope, creating an environment of love and acceptance, desiring to invite youth to ‘come and see’, believing each individual has gifts to share, providing opportunities for service in ministry, living lives to the full and seeking to encounter God in their daily life!
The two current Youth Ministers employed to run our Ocean Reef Youth Group meetings with the help of other senior youth leaders are Kristian Triscari and Naiara Galea.