The St Vincent de Paul Society of Western Australia and indeed throughout the world is made up of many small Parish based groups consisting of men and women who are members of the Society. These groups are called Conferences and its members called Vincentians. They deliver the Society’s core work by visiting people in their homes through Home Visitations.
Our visits are always made in pairs and in this way the Society is able to assist people in need by offering their friendship and support while fostering an atmosphere of dignity, trust and respect. Through these visits we are able to give assistance with food, clothing, furniture, budget advice, utility bills and advocacy issues are also provided.
The Ocean Reef Conference is made up of a group of dedicated Vincentians who willingly give of themselves to firstly deepen their relationship with God and make a positive difference to the lives of those who find themselves in need.
Ocean Reef is an active Conference hosting an annual Seniors Christmas Party, placing a ‘wishing tree’ in the church foyer asking our Parish family to provide food and gifts for those who otherwise would have very little, the collation and delivery of Christmas Hampers, numbering well in excess of 100 each year. Ocean Reef is very fortunate to enjoy both the support of our wonderful priests and parish family and neighbouring schools which makes this work possible.
The Ocean Reef Conference is always in need of food to provide assistance to families. Non perishable items can be left in the box in the foyer. New members are always needed and are most welcome. Training and support will be provided to approach visits with confidence, without judgement and a willingness to listen.
We meet on Thursdays on the first and third week of every month at 6.30pm in the Parish Centre.
Enquiries: Ozanam House 6323 7500