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Catholic Men’s Gathering

Parish Hall 20 Prendiville Drive, Ocean Reef Perth, Western Australia, Australia

'Good Men Rise Up - Brothers what must we do?’ For the men of our Parish presented as part of The Australian Catholic Men’s Gathering for all men aged 18+ we will be hosting a Session on Monday 16th August at 7.30pm to 9pm in the Parish Centre. This event is being offered in all diocese across Australia. Their aim is to inspire and encourage all Catholic men with a vision for personal discipleship, service and mission in the family, parish/diocese and the world.

48 Hour Perpetual Rosary Bouquet

Commencing 6pm and concludes Tuesday 7th at 6pm All are invited to take part in this Birthday Rosary Bouquet, praying the Rosary anywhere, any time during the 48 hours.

Jesus & the Women of the Gospel

Jesus & the Women of the Gospel presented by Dr Pina Ford Saturday September 11th, 9:00am to 3:30pm Salvatorian Spirituality Centre 2 Caledonia Ave, Currambine, WA 6028 Morning Tea and Lunch included! Cost $25 per person

Youth Car Wash POSTPONED

POSTPONED due to inclement weather! Please support our Parish Youth Program and bring your car to be washed by our Youth Group!  

Rosary Chain

Parish Church

This year is the 104th Anniversary of the 'Miracle of the sun' which took place in Fatima and we will be joining the nation-wide rosary chain by reciting the rosary (including Benediction) in our Church on Sunday 17th of October at 3pm. This will be followed by afternoon tea in the Parish Centre.

Car Boot Sale

Church Carpark 20 Prendiville Avenue, Perth, WA, Australia

Pick up a great bargain! 9.30am to 2pm Church Car Park

Altar Servers Social Event

End of Year Social Event for Altar Servers and Computer Operators Zone Ten Pin Bowling in Joondalup at 7pm

Parish Volunteers Thanksgiving Mass and fellowship

The Sunday 5pm Mass will be offered in Thanksgiving for all our Parish Volunteers. This will be followed by light refreshments and drinks in the Parish Centre - Invitation only.

World Day of Prayer

Parish Church

Our Parish of St Simon Peter will be hosting a World Day of Prayer Service on Friday 4th of March at 10am followed by fellowship and refreshments in the Parish Centre. All welcome! World Day of Prayer is a worldwide movement initiated by Christion women to unite nations through prayer. Its purpose is to see national change and lives impacted by God through prayer and financial assistance. This year we take the opportunity to identify and pray for the women of England, Wales & Northern Ireland and the theme of our service is God's promise to his people in exile...