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Beatification of Fr. Francis Jordan Triduum

Parish Church

Guest speaker – Mrs Judy David – Lay Salvatorian Commencing with 7pm Mass followed by a talk in the Parish Hall.  Coffee, Tea and fellowship.

Beatification of Fr. Francis Jordan

Parish Church

The biggest event in the Salvatorian history is the announcement that Fr Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan, Founder of the Salvatorians will be declared ‘Blessed’ in Rome. Rite of Beatification at Basilica of St John Lateran: 15th of May 2021 (10.30am Rome Time) (4:30pm - Perth Time). The Beatification itself will be live streaming by the Catholic TV station TELEPACE:  Go to Salvatorian website for link. In spiritual preparation leading us to this great event a special Triduum will be held in our Parish in the evenings of Wednesday 12th, Thursday 13th and Friday the 14th of May....

Remembrance Mass

Parish Church

A Remembrance Mass will be held for those in our Parish who have lost family and friends during Covid-19 (Nationally and internationally) who were unable to attend to them or their funerals. This special Mass will be celebrated on Friday, 28th May at 7:00pm. If you would like to have this Mass offered for a recently deceased person, please contact the Parish office my Monday, 24th Mass to provide names and a photograph which will be displayed in front of the altar.

World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly Mass

Parish Church

A time when each of us are encouraged to reach out to family, friends, neighbours, the aged, the lonely and the sick with the heart of the Gospel words "I am with you always..." An open invitation is extended to our Grandparents and the Elderly to attend our Parish Religious Education Program Family Mass today at 4pm followed by afternoon Tea & Coffee.

World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

Parish Church

This is being celebrated for the first time on 25th July, dedicated to family by the Holy Father that stems from awareness of how the elderly, including those who are not grandparents need a family environment in which to live, and also how it is necessary for families to become aware of the role being played by their older members. We will also recite the Prayer for the First World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly at all the Masses this Weekend.