This group started some time in 1994. Currently we meet on Mondays (even public holidays) from approximately 9.30am til 12 noon. We pay $1.00 per visit towards tea/coffee and biscuits and make a small donation to the church each year. We go out at Christmas time for a lunch which is partly funded by any excess money we have from our weekly contribution.
Our members are from various countries – England, Scotland, Holland, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, Ireland, South Africa, India and a few ‘true blue Aussies!”
In the ’90’s when Whitford’s Shopping Centre use to have a ‘Volunteers Community Stall Day,’ we ran a stall and the profits from the sales of goods were donated to the SVDP Society.
In about 1997 an article in the the then Wanneroo Times published a ‘Teddy’ pattern asking for teddies from the ‘Samaritans Purse’ Charity and also baby clothes for ‘Aids’ babies in Orpahages in Europe, Asia & Africa – so we knitted around 500 teddies and baby jumpers. When we could no longer deliver these to Osbourne Park depot, we knitted the teddies for the Ambulance Service in Joondalup. The New Emergency Dept was opened in the Joondalup Health Campus and in Feb 2011, we donate our teddies to the Children’s Emergency Dept on a regular basis where we are told they work wonders for the kids, and in the first year of it opening we have donated over 300 teddies.
As some of our members are from Zimbabwe and South Africa – we also knit teddies, baby clothes and small blankets for children in wheelchairs in orphanages in these countries, and we welcome donations of wool to help us with these projects.
So although we do plenty of talking, we try to make ourselves useful. Anyone is welcome – you don’t have to do any of these things – do your ‘own’ thing or just come for a ‘cuppa & a chat!’