P. R. E. P.

(Parish Religious Education Program)

Children attending Catholic Schools are offered Religious Education through the school curriculum. 

Children attending non Catholic schools are offered Religious instruction (Catechesis) through Parish Religious Education Program (PREP). 

PREP (Parish Religious Education Program) is a family focused, parish based, catechist supported program that seeks to offer the highest quality religious education for your child/children.

Our Parish follows the Catholic Archdiocesan of Perth program “Gathered In My Name”. Classes commence at the beginning of Term One and are offered every Wednesday afternoon, during school terms, between 4pm-5pm at
St Simon Peter Catholic Church Parish Centre, 20 Prendiville Avenue, Ocean Reef.
Children are welcome to enrol from Year 1/2 (Age 6). Any child receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Eucharist (Communion) and Confirmation is required to attend a minimum of two years of our program.

Ideal Sacramental years are:
Reconciliation – Year 3
Eucharist (Communion) – Year 4/5
Pre-Confirmation – Year 5/6
Confirmation – Year 6/7

How to enrol
If you wish your child to attend our classes, an enrolment form needs to be filled out. A copy of your child’s baptism certificate is required together with the enrolment form. Once the form has been filled in, you can either drop it off at the Parish Office (during opening times) together with payment, or bring it in with you on the day of commencement.

The fee to enrol for 2025 per child is $60.00 for the year.

Duty of Care
The parish of St Simon Peter has a duty of care to all children attending the PREP program. Your child’s safety and well being are most important, and we seek the parents support and cooperation.
You will be given a ‘Duty of Care’ Booklet on Enrolment outlining the Roles and Responsibilities of both Parents and Parish.